Sunderland Poly Hockey Tours to Southampton (1990)

Created by Jasminder 3 years ago

Mark joined Sunderland Poly Hockey club and the rest is history. SPHC forever 💕. Gone far too soon and we will miss you dearly 🙏

Each year we would all go on a hockey tour to Southhampton … the photo attached is very much a ‘morning after the night before ‘ cup of water in hand nursing a possible hangover  .. a game of ‘one spot’ evident on his cheek … 

Easter Sundays on tour were always ‘breaking lent’ for the girls as we would give up eating chocolate . I recall  a smack of an easter egg  to wake him up … to say he was not amused was an under statement.. but then the Dredge smile would appear and you knew you were ok 💕 he really did light up a room with his smile ans laugh . 

Gone too soon but we will always hold you dearly in our SPHC hearts … fly high my dear friend. 

My deepest sympathy to All the family 💕🙏

Jas Sidhu( Poonian ) 

SPHC president ( 1991-1992)
