Thick as a Brick

Created by Southern 3 years ago
I was at Manwoods with Dredgie....I was terrified walking in that first day and finding my way to Mr. Hines geography room to meet the rest of 1D (first year Dorman house) but reassured myself that everybody else would be just as wrong I was. The first thing I saw upon entering was Mark, casually laying across two desks looking so laid back he was at risk of being mistaken for the South-Easts' Dalai Lama. He was one of those people that just seemed content in his own skin and had a personality that you couldn't help but gravitate towards. Over the years I spent a few 'sleep-overs' at Marks parents place and will always remember him introducing me to the dubious pleasures of 'Prog Rock'; my musical taste at the time being limited to Elvis and Johnny Cash. It was a bit of a leap...but he was largely responsible for my continued appreciation of Queen and other over indulgent keyboard noodlers, but everyone has their limits..even Dredgies boundless charm wasn't enough to sell me on Jethro Tull despite him playing 'Thick as a Brick' so many times one weekend it almost qualified as abuse. Gone far too soon. I'll shall raise a glass tonight and with ear-plugs at the ready give the album one last outing. RIP Dredgie; it was a pleasure and an honour to have known you.